Thursday, February 15, 2007

What it is!

CrossFit Central Indoor Classes

Our CrossFit Central Indoor classes utilize the 10 physical skills as outlined by Jim Cawley of Dynamax Medicine Balls:

1. Endurance-The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen (cardiovascular/respiratory endurance)
2. Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy. (capacity to maintain repetitive muscular movements)
3. Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force
4. Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint
5. Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time
6. Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement
7. Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a single distinct movement
8. Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another
9. Balance - The ability to control the placement of the body's center of gravity in relation to its support base
10. Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity


In order to participate in the CrossFit indoor classes, each client must participate in 3 CrossFit Central Elements sessions. These sessions have been specially designed to teach movements for optimal performance. You will learn proper form and skill for each of the following exercises:

Squat, Shoulder Press, Deadlift, Front Squat, Push Press, Sumo Deadlift, High Pull, Overhead Squat, Push Jerk, Medicine Ball Clean, Rowing, Muscle Up, Ring Dip, Ring Row, Single Arm Snatch, GHD Sit-up, GHD Hip/Back Extension, Barbell Clean and Snatch, Kipping Pull-Up

CrossFit Central Indoor Classes
The CrossFit Central Indoor Classes will utilize not only the essential movements learned in the Elements classes but also will coincide with the CrossFit WODS (workouts of the day). This multifunctional, high intensity workout is sure to be an exciting challenge for any fitness level.

Crossfit Classes Starting April 2nd
Time: 6:15 - 7:00am
Days: Monday/Wednesday/ Friday
Dates: March 5th - 30th
Instructor: Carey Kepler

Each Class will be limited to 10 participants

Time: 6:45 - 7:30pm
Days: Monday Wednesday Thursday
Dates: March 5th - 30th
Instructor: Jeremy Thiel

Online Sign Up Coming Soon!

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